Monday, January 19, 2009


好似好耐無認認真真咁打一篇blog, 我見好似都唔係好多人睇我個blog, 更加懶多十成, 呵呵呵~


由香港番到東京, 不經不覺都已經2個星期, 時間過得真係好快. 番香港個3個星期都係, 好似都無做過d乜, 亦都無特別同朋友聚會, 更可怕ge係, 居然無乜點買到衫 (要知道比起日本, 香港d野真係平到笑!!)! 番東京ge時候, 因為最後實在唔夠時間買日用品&壓縮袋, 個行李居然得個27kg! 激死我!!

人生1st time boarding @ final call! 堅!

因為無機位ge關係, 搭晨咁早9點幾機! 多謝爸爸特登送我去機場! 講開機場, 入禁區後我同Ms A仲矇成成慢慢係manning買糖. 行緊去鬼咁遠ge boarding gate 個陣已經9:10am (departure time係9:25am), 見到空姐揸住個final call牌, 我同Ms A 講, "乜咁似我地班機number ge.", 殊不知真係我地, 當時我地離個個超遠boarding gate 大概仲有5-10mins路程! Ms A即刻開步跑, 但係因為肥M無運動開, 連平時追電車激跑30秒, 都可以搞到面青口唇白, 就尤阿Ms A自己跑, 我係後面急步追算啦......好在都趕到上機!


番東京ge 1st week, 我msn ge caption就係[東京呢噠地方同我係相剋], 何出此言呢. arrived @ 東京之後, o係行李帶到等左好耐, 一直都等唔到件行李. 明明一齊check-in, Ms A個行李都一早攞左. 最後見到有個last lugguage ge 牌, 當堂嚇到冒汗. 講真, 搭左咁多次飛機, 真係第一次唔見行李, 令我對CX ge 印象, 真係壞上加壞!!

行去報失ge counter, 有好多人都好似我咁! 搞乜鬼啊CX! 日本人做野一向都好有"效率", 搞左成個鐘, 不過添份form等通知, 發生乜事都話唔到比你知! 我以為我mobile & DC都係lugguage裡面, 就留左Ms A電話, 順勢就去佢到過夜, 因為電腦電池& charger都係lugguage, 基本上係無人聯絡到我. 去到, 原來mobile & DC都係handcarry到, 都好d.

係Ms A home 燒肉, 唔知係咪燒唔熟d野, 第2日番到屋企肚痾, 仲痾左成個禮拜, 佢地話我水土不服wor = =""

搞左呢2壇野, 再加上日圓高企, 講真我真係有諗之後應唔應該繼續留係日本.....不過以我d日文爛ge程度, 同人講我係日本讀左9個月都真係無人信(我自己都唔多信)!! 所以番到黎之後, 就即刻約左之前聯絡個間日本語學校..... 欲知後事如何, 請待下回分解!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


東京現在最高溫度, 都不會超過10度, 好冷哦!!

不過冬天, 又是草莓當造的季節, yeah!

窮學生的我, 只可以afford 298yen 的草莓, 不過已經很好吃. 680應該是超級好吃吧!!

很多草莓味道的限定產品, 草莓&限定, 2大keywords! 買了一堆!

從香港特別handcarried到日本的Doritos, 雖然日本也有Doritos, 但沒有spicy nacho這favour! 只剩下一包, 要省著吃, 嗚~

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I'm mad about Khalil now, been surfing the net for his performance/appearances in tv. wanna share wif u of this net concert(?) in tw, so nerdy (but cute!). but he's really not gd in talking, singing is much much better, hehe


Part 1-1

Part 1-2

Part 2-1

Part 2-2

Part 2-3

Part 3-1

Part 3-2


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Magのおすすめ ~方大同: Orange Moon 橙月

okok, I knew I'm a bit late (the album was out in 19Dec), but do let me recommend this album to you again, if u haven't yet got/dd (opps!) the album/listened to any of the song (impossibolu!)

Believed this is the 2nd time I talked about Khalil in my blog, not that I've said much in my first entry, or that I plan to write an complete essay on his latest album Orange Moon 橙月. I just wanna say I absolutely LOOOOVEEEE this album. The whole album is sooo romantic, I won't be surprised it's written by someone who's completely in love, as that's the impression this album gave me.

Currently plugging/plugged tracks are Singalongsong, 小小蟲& 如果愛.

My current fav are Singalongsong, 小小蟲, 黑洞裡, 每個人都會 & 100種表情 (ok, i know i almost listed the whole album out, hehe). Singalongsong & 小小蟲 both are really cute and romantic (esp 小小蟲, just hv this teens/puppy luv feel). Singalongsong, always thinking abt this person day and night, and there's luv songs playing in the bkgrd, doesnt it remind u the time when u are being in luv?

See the MV:




I'm surprised they would titled the album as 橙月though, cuz people hardly use the word [橙] in Mandarin Chinese. 橙月=黃昏, as Khalil thought that's a really romantic moment, but it simply will not do to title the album as [黃昏] as it's too lame (also 唔好意頭i think), so that's the title 橙月came out!

Simply in luv with his music now (and he's cute in a nerdy way too, haha), 4eva supports! we need this kinda talents in HK music industry!

Official release about the album


以往方大同的專輯概念從”世界大同”、到”愛與和平”、”愛與環保”,這回大同想暫時不以這種目的性的概念與樂迷交流,他只想誠懇直接的唱出”浪漫”情懷 (no wonder!)。勾出大家深埋心中的那個為情歌感動的浪漫Moment。


《橙月 Orange Moon》專輯中所收錄的曲目聽下來,強烈感到音樂整體的氛圍始終有愛,有的愛幽默俏皮的正開始在萌芽、有的愛真摯深遠刻骨銘心、有的愛浪漫奇幻擁有無限想像空間、有的愛正在某處守候遠遠祝你幸福。像是沿著浪漫的情歌路線,一路走到不同階段的愛,過程中你會不斷找到自己經歷深刻的畫面,發現自己原有的最真實的感動。 這也就是為什麼音樂之所以觸動人的感性… 聽著方大同的歌,聽見愛的可能。

即將發行個人第四張創作專輯《橙月 Orange Moon》,除了保留方大同原創的R&B風格,也提升了詞和曲在本質上提供聽者情緒抒發的感動力。你聽著方大同唱歌,慢慢的你會跟著哼唱起來,最後你會發覺自己和方大同有一樣的共鳴,一樣的故事,一樣的感動;專輯裡多首曲目,會令得你充分的感同身受。

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Special NYE

This year's NYE was a really special one for me, cuz I attended one of my best friend Ms P (or should I say Mrs. Chow)'s  wedding banquet!

Another great thing about wedding (esp for close friend's one) is it's a gathering for all the friends that may not be able to meet for q. awhile. Joyce and Em came all the way from Sg (and they said they'd do the same if I get married <if ever ==>), Shirley, Vincci, and all the Intex gals. I hardly hv time to hang out wif the Intex gals, cuz everyone has been so busy for the wedding that there's no time for me at all, then it's Xmas, NYE...

Em gave me this big surprise, she's like 3 sizes slimmer (talking abt Eur size), she's as thin as a stick now! and she kept saying she's fat still, hello, not in front of me who's like 4 sizes bigger!and as expected, after my ma saw her, she said if Em can do it, I should be able to slim down too......alr, first i hv bigger bone than hers, 2ndly, I gotta get some indigestion of watever as Em did to get started, can s.b. tell me how to get indigestion?! haha

I didnt show up for the 接新娘 part, since I wasnt one of the 姊妹, and honestly I dont wanna get up at 6 in the morning. so ended up I woke at 12ish, and rushed out by taxi to the wedding ceremony in 伊甸園. but the "winner" of the day, sure it's the bride's father! not only he's late for the ceremony, he missed the signing part too (so ended up the mum signed on the wedding cert!). Her dad just being as weird as usual, not that I'm being mean.

After tt, went back to the hotel, nth to do and since Em and J doesnt wanna walk all the way to H.C., we ended up wasted our time just in the room....

Banquet is the usual, food were ok, basic set up: photos, video from the morning, speeches, singing. since it was ard 11 when the dinner finished, we hardly can go anyway after this, ended up courtdown (watching tv lives at ifc) wif all the 姊妹 in the hotel room, funny.

sth happened though, one of the 兄弟(who's ok looking, single but a playboy), acted kinda drunk, kept sticking wif us (all gals one guy, hello, be smart and fk off!). one of my frd saw no harm and gave him her no, and he kept calling her all night (and wif unknown no when she didnt pick up, scary and cunning!), jeez.

after countdown in the rm, we went to hv coffee/cake at pacific coffee cuz i wanna hear all my frds' romance updates. i luv hearin' it and learning from others, haha. anyway, love is blind, it even make the smartest person acts silly.

enuf of this thoughts, here r some pics of the night.

Happy 2009!